The Basics
No Church Answers! is a Christian podcast. Because of that, we follow Biblically-based Christian beliefs. These include:
God is the creator of the world. He has chosen to reveal himself to the world in the person of Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit.
The Bible is God’s revelation to mankind. The Old Testament often referred to as the Hebrew scripture, tells about God’s work of creation, his establishment of a covenant with the Jewish people, and prophesies about the coming Messiah who would finalize God’s covenant with Israel and all people. The New Testament is the testimony of Jesus Christ, and describes his life, death, and resurrection. It also tells us about the birth of the Church, provides context for Christian life, and exposits on Jesus’ saving work.
Jesus Christ was a real person who existed in the early first century in the area known as the Holy Land. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and taught a group of disciples for a period of three years. He was sentenced to death and was crucified. He was buried and a guard was placed on his tomb. Three days later he rose in a physical body and spent forty days teaching his disciples. He ascended into heaven and will return again to earth as the judge of the world.
The Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit that indwells each believer. He is present to encourage, instruct and convict believers. He is the third revelation of God, often referred to as the third revelation of the Trinity.
The Trinity represents one God in three different forms, or expressions. God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son of God and the Holy Spirit.
Mankind was created in the image of God. Because of the fall, mankind has a sinful nature that keeps him separated from God. That separation from God led to Jesus Christ’s death to redeem mankind and accepting Christ’s atoning work on the cross that was validated by the resurrection is the only path to a relationship with God.
The Church was established to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ’s life, death, burial, and resurrection. The Church has been called to service before God and to spread the Good News and to care for our fellow human beings.